+16162191040 +919381842881 contact@onlinetaxfiler.com
  • 340 S lemon ave, walnut, CA 91789
  • 10:30 AM - 7:00 PM CST,
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Representation Services

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If you have received that dreaded letter notifying you that your return has been selected for an audit, do not fear! We are always helps you in both personal and business tax audits. Even if you do not believe that you have done anything wrong or are unsure of why you are being audited, we don’t recommend that you attempt to represent yourself.

We will provide you the experience and professionalism when dealing with your IRS or State audit. For a personal audit it is important to understand that returns are usually selected for statistical reasons. By contacting us we are able to become a buffer between you and the IRS and/or State.